Community Garden
This year we have started a community garden next to the school building on Galitz Street! We are growing romaine, kale, tomatoes, potatoes, and more.
In addition, during 12 weeks each summer we collect fresh produce from vendors at the Skokie Farmers Market. We do this in partnership with the Social Services of Skokie. The produce is collected and stored at St. Paul till Monday, then the Niles Township Food Pantry picks it up and distributes the fresh produce to clients that same Monday.

We have a handbell choir and a vocal chorus. Both groups perform throughout the year on special events and holidays, and meet on Saturday mornings.

If you ever need visitation, to seek spiritual advice, or simply someone to talk over anything you might be going through, St. Paul’s elders are here for you. Our elders also assist with services on Sunday and support pastor and our other leaders in their various missions.

Please contact the church office to be connected with an elder.

Seasonal Service Events
Throughout the year, St Paul hosts many events that are designed to give back to the community, including an Easter Egg Hunt, Christmas Services, food donation drives, and fundraising.